January 14, 2025
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Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA)

Communications Working Group (CWG)


Request for Information (RFI)

CFTA/Internal Trade Branded Kit

CanadaBuys Link to RFI

PDF Version of RFI


On behalf of the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) Communications Working Group (CWG), the Internal Trade Secretariat (ITS) is requesting information from vendors on the development of a branded kit, including potential for rebranding, to create a common visual identity for the CFTA/internal trade, to be used by the ITS and all CFTA Parties to support a three-year CFTA communications strategy (targeted for implementation in 2025).

1.1 Background

The CFTA is an intergovernmental trade agreement between the federal government and all 13 provinces and territories (the “CFTA Parties”) that aims to reduce and eliminate, where possible, barriers to the free movement of persons, goods, services, and investments within Canada and to establish an open, efficient, and stable domestic market[1].

The CWG is a working group established under the CFTA that is mandated to advise and support internal trade officials from all CFTA Parties and the Internal Trade Secretariat Corporation (ITSC) on CFTA-related communications matters. The CWG is comprised of internal trade officials, communications staff, and marketing experts from eight CFTA Parties.

CWG is currently in the process of developing a three-year CFTA communications strategy (targeted for implementation in 2025), that would aim to positively influence public opinion on internal trade and improve awareness of the CFTA and the benefits and commercial opportunities it helps to create for businesses and workers across Canada.

The strategy is to be complemented by improvements to branding and online presence, including enhanced digital marketing efforts and strategic updates to the CFTA website.

The ITS is a federally incorporated non-profit organization established by the CFTA that provides administrative and operational support to CFTA Parties, as well as to working groups and other committees.

1.2 Branded Kit

To create a visual foundation for the communications strategy, and to enhance future marketing efforts, CWG is seeking to explore the development of a branded kit to create a common visual identity for the CFTA and how it advances internal trade.

Material in the branded kit could be used by the ITS and all CFTA Parties for social/online products and promotional collateral (e.g., brochures/information kits), and to support cohesion, consistency, and convenience, taking into consideration Canada’s two official languages, as well as Parties’ respective guidelines on identity programs (if applicable).

1.3 Brand Identity

CWG is also exploring the possibility of having a brand audit undertaken for the CFTA/internal trade brand, including on current messaging.  A brand audit could potentially lead to a full or partial rebranding to support the objectives of a planned three-year CFTA communications strategy.


2.1 Purpose of the RFI

The purpose of the RFI is to gather information and advice regarding the development of a CFTA/internal trade branded kit, including a brand/messaging audit and potential rebranding, to help support the development of a potential subsequent request for proposals. Responses to the RFI would assist CWG in making decisions about project scope and what might reasonably be asked of a vendor.

As key aspects of this initiative are still undecided and would be subject to further discussion by CFTA trade officials, CWG is seeking to engage in a collaborative, fact-finding process with potential vendors to help identify the branding needs of the CFTA/internal trade and is interested in suggestions and recommendations on ways to support the planned three-year CFTA communications strategy.

As this is the first step in an exploratory phase, this RFI is not intended to make any immediate commitments, and input gathered would determine possible next procurement steps.

The information being sought from respondents, includes:

Scope Recommendations

  • Respondents would provide advice and recommendations on whether the CFTA/internal trade brand could be improved upon, how/where it could be best utilized, and how the brand could better communicate CFTA values of increasing free trade within Canada, as well as the willingness to continually improve the CFTA to meet the needs of Canadian businesses and workers.

Potential Brand Kit Components

  • Respondents would provide advice and recommendations on potential components to include in a CFTA/internal trade brand kit, as well as views and potential approaches for each.  These components could, include, but not limited to:
  • CFTA logo
    • Primary logo
    • Secondary logo(s)
    • Tagline development
    • Brand messaging
    • Promotional materials
      • Digital (e.g., CFTA website, social media, ITS email list, etc.)
      • Print (e.g., internal trade missions, provincial/territorial-led industry/trade shows, other stakeholder events).

Brand Guidelines and Templates

  • Respondents would provide advice on:
    • Colours (in alignment with AODA accessibility standards)
    • Typography/fonts (in alignment with AODA accessibility standards)
    • Imagery and visual style
      • Would reflect Canada’s diverse economy; showcase different sectors (e.g., technology, energy, manufacturing, agriculture) and regions to help maximize appeal to a wider range of businesses and workers across Canada; would not single out one industry/region and would not exclude any overarching industry/sector.
      • Would employ minimal/stylized graphics and avoid use of complex or cluttered visuals. This would help make the brand feel fresh and easier to navigate and draw attention to key messages.

Design and Messaging Input

  • Respondents would provide advice and input on design trends and messaging strategies that would align with the planned CFTA communications strategy.

As this is a collaborative fact-finding exercise, respondents are encouraged to identify additional branded kit components, as well as provide other views (if applicable).

2.2 Capabilities and Experience

Respondents would provide their experience with similar rebranding projects and how their services could be tailored to a public sector initiative. Respondents would require an understanding of national accessibility standards (AODA certification). Web design capacity (including AODA certification to meet accessibility requirements) is an asset, but not a requirement.

Please note: This RFI is not: (i) a tender notice or call for tenders; (ii) a notice of intended procurement; or (iii) a notice of planned procurement.


We request that all respondents provide a detailed pricing and cost estimate as part of their submission. This should include a breakdown of all relevant costs, including but not limited to:

  • Initial implementation costs
  • Ongoing maintenance or support fees
  • Any other applicable expenses (e.g., training, licensing, etc.)

These estimates will play a critical role in our evaluation process. However, any pricing information provided by respondents is not intended to be binding on respondents, as any future agreed-to pricing would be part of any subsequent procurement process.


This RFI is for informational purposes only, and no contract will be awarded as a result. A firm or organization’s response to the RFI—or lack thereof—will have no impact on the evaluation of responses to any subsequent Request for Proposals (RFP). Responses will be used solely for information and planning purposes.

If a subsequent competitive bidding opportunity is issued, the ITS is under no obligation to advise any respondent of this RFI. Respondents are advised to monitor the Canada Buys[2] website for any such opportunities open to anyone regardless of whether they submitted a response to this RFI.

All responses to the RFI become the property of the ITS and will be held in confidence. Respondents consent to allow the ITS to incorporate any submitted ideas, concepts, approaches, or strategies into any planning, design, procurement, or contractual activities related to any aspect of the project without any obligation, liability, or consideration on the part of the ITS. The ITS will not be responsible for any costs incurred by any party responding to this RFI.

Any opinions provided by respondents would be considered as given freely to the CWG.

If, because of this RFI process, a respondent produces and/or submits a completed branded kit for the CFTA/internal trade, ITS would not have an obligation to compensate the respondent for the branded kit.

If a subsequent competitive bidding opportunity is issued, all technical files ultimately produced associated with branding components would become the sole possession of ITS and all CFTA Parties.

Please note that all responses will be kept confidential.

ITS will forward any submissions to CWG for review and evaluation as they are received. Following its review, CWG would seek approval from a broader table of internal trade officials, which includes a representative from each of the 14 CFTA Parties.


Any questions related to this RFI can be sent in writing to:

Pat Fortier

Managing Director/Directeur général

Internal Trade Secretariat/Secrétariat du commerce intérieur

# 101 – 605 Des Meurons Street/Rue Des Meurons

Winnipeg MB  R2H 2R1


Interested parties are invited to respond to this RFI by submitting a response to the ITS. Responses are to be sent via email before 5:00 p.m. Central Time (CA) on February 10, 2025 to:

Pat Fortier

Managing Director/Directeur général

Internal Trade Secretariat/Secrétariat du commerce intérieur

# 101 – 605 Des Meurons Street/Rue Des Meurons

Winnipeg, MB  R2H 2R1


CWG will aim to evaluate all responses within 15 business days after the submission deadline. Evaluations will be based on the quality of the proposals, including cost-effectiveness and alignment with our requirements.

As a preliminary step, and prior to making any final decisions, CWG may contact select respondents to schedule meetings to discuss their submissions in further detail, address any questions, and explore potential next steps. Such meetings, should they occur, would be for informational purposes only and not oblige ITS to any future business arrangements.

[1] Home – Canadian Free Trade Agreement | Accord de libre-échange canadien (


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